Monday, December 21, 2015

but i still miss you

i probably shouldn't

but i still miss you

i miss how you would leave your comfort zone to give me a little piece of mine

i miss you singing

and i love how you played the song from our first day

on our last day

i miss the way you talk, and the things you say, and how you make me laugh

and then you make me laugh


and again

and again

laugh all the way from the restaurant to my house - in heavy traffic

laugh because even over email you still sound the same

laugh when you got mad at me for mentioning our place

i know it's selfish of me to miss you

because you miss all of us, and them, and her, and maybe even me

but i haven't found anyone else who can make me laugh as much as you can

even if it's just by a memory

and i know i shouldn't

but i still miss you

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