Sunday, July 12, 2015


It's a magical thing when your mother is your best friend. When you can go on sushi dates, and laugh the entire time. 

When she can vent about her life to you, and you try to be helpful before realizing that she just wants you to listen.

When you get a little older, and she starts teaching you about the real world. You realize that she has the ability to love others despite the way they've hurt her. And you're grateful that she protected your view of people for as long as she did.

And when you call her to talk she'll organize her entire office while you go on for hours. She'll tell you that it's impressive how much you talk, but you'll remind her where you get it from.

Because home is where your mom is

And it's always hard to leave.

But there's always more laughter:

giving ear lobe massages

speaking in Asian accents

pretending we're on a cooking show

replying "that's nice honey"

spending entire days at the spa

trying new crafts and hobbies

sorting candles for hours

laughing until we can't breathe

and we never stop laughing.