Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Messed Up

i'll always be sad about it.

it's not something you just forget about.

it's all too common, but that doesn't make it lose meaning.

i may have been little, but it was still painful.

the second time was more painful.

i can't imagine what it was like for you though. or her. or them.

i don't let your life choices govern mine though.

at least i try not too


the unacknowledged fear will always be there like a lock on my heart.

a fear that nothing lasts forever.

a fear that i could choose wrong.

and i hate that.

"People are going to think that you're 'messed up' because our family isn't perfect."


they can think that i guess.

i'll tell you my story if you ask

but i wouldn't tell somebody who didn't care

you need to know me before you know my story

. . .